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✧ ✧ Diary ✧ ✧



I finally finished the initial layout for my home page!!

All that's left for me to work on is the links page and about me, then I just have to create the assets to replace the placeholder ones! THIS IS SO EXCITING EEEK!!!

I sincerely cannot wait to go public and share my website around. Then when I'm comfortable enough building things, I will work on a professional website for possible employers! EXCITING!

For now, I will take a break, because as relaxing as HTML is, I need a moment to breathe. Thank you for reading!


Hello! Hi! This is my first log, and test!

It's so nice to meet you, I'm so sorry about the mess! I'm also so sorry if the site is rather confusing as it models and references off of formerly existing sites. Hopefully this isn't too bad!

I make art, I'm an artist, I may put down major important updates. I plan onto physically producing said art, so I'll also probably put updates about that here as well! Hopefully you enjoy my stay!

✧ Logs ✧


✧ Art ✧


✧ ✧ Goods ✧ ✧

one day, one day...

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